Who is Daniel Scherl?

You can take the boy out of Ohio, but not the Ohio out of the boy

God, I miss my hair.

I really do. I don’t care what people think or say about it, It was the 80’s and big hair was cool and mine was an awesome lion’s mane. Look at it. How can you not, right? It was glorious, as you can see with that magnificent back lighting.


Hello! My name is Daniel Scherl and this is my bio.


My mom says I’m awesome. That’s really cool.


For those who want to know more than that… since I was a little kid, I’ve been creative and  involved in some sort or artistic pursuit. Writing, acting, photography, cinematography, voiceover, podcaster, web designer, graphic designer, and more. I’ve been fortunate enough to travel to many places in the world and document a lot of it. Professionally, people like to hear that you’ve worked with famous brands and famous people, so for those who like to see those kinds of credits:


I’ve worked with most of the big studios like Dreamworks, Warner Brothers, and Disney, and had really cool high profile and interesting gigs like photographing Steven Spielberg’s daughter’s Bat Mitzvah and directing and filming the Michelin Star International Gourmet Food Festival in Portugal, just to proverbially name a few (although that was two, not three, but who’s counting). I’ve also really loved working with fellow artists, musicians, writers, dancers, actors, creators, and entrepreneurs to help them bring their dreams to life. But most of all, I’ve been blessed and lucky enough to be able to create for a living for most of my life. That’s something I endeavor not to take for granted even on the days when it’s been difficult to be a freelance artist.


Back in the day, I also worked for a while as an executive (without the big hair) in corporate America and had some very cool jobs in information technology. This helped me tremendously when forming my own production company, Scherl Creative.


My family also has some history in the arts. My grandfather was the CEO of Scherl & Roth, a very successful music instrument company in the 1940’s and 1950’s, and I have very talented siblings and cousins, mostly in music.


When I don’t have a keyboard, pen, or camera in my hands, I probably have a video game controller or a cooking utensil.


If you want to learn more about me, you can read my bio stats at my memories of a moonbird website here. Hope you have a nice day! And hey… go for it. Whatever your artistic dreams are, do it. Today. Not tomorrow. Trust me. Or don’t. But you should go for your dreams regardless.