We're hard at work on this new website. Please enjoy the good chunk of it that's ready. Then... forgive the broken links and nonsense like that, because like a good starship, she'll be up and running with warp power very soon.











who's daniel?

look at that hair

look at that hair

and how about that backlight
My mom says I'm awesome. That's really cool. For those who want to know more than that... since I was a little kid, I've been creative and then involved in some sort or artistic pursuit. Writing, acting, photography, cinematography, voiceover, podcaster, web designer, graphic designer, and more. I've been fortunate enough to travel to many places in the world and document a lot of it. Professionally, people like to hear that you’ve worked with famous brands and famous people, so for those who like to see those kinds of credits: I’ve worked with most of the big studios like Dreamworks, Warner Brothers, and Disney, and had really cool high profile and interesting gigs like photographing Steven Spielberg’s daughter’s Bat Mitzvah and directing and filming the Michelin Star International Gourmet Food Festival in Portugal, just to proverbially name a few (although that was two, not three, but who’s counting). I’ve also really loved working with fellow artists, musicians, writers, dancers, actors, creators, and entrepreneurs to help them bring their dreams to life. But most of all... (click here to keep reading)